Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Hi all – as promised, here is where you can download the Spore Trial.

You will need a new Apple or PC computer for it to work properly – and you might need your parent’s help to install it.


Sketch Up

Hi guys, sorry about the problems with sketch up on the laptops – we’ll try again next time with the new version.

If you want to work on the robot challenge at home, you can download Sketchup here:

It’s free and works on Mac and Windows computers. You will probably need your Mum or Dad to help you put it on your computer though!


– Your creation needs to be between the green and the red lines


If you want help on how to use sketchup, there are heaps of videos here:

Leave a comment if you have a question. Remember to make sure your comments are constructive!



Hi Glen                                                                                                                                                 I found that the robot could carry a GPS ,a camera and all that kind of equipment .It goes into the enemies base and it sends back info that the soldiers need .Heavy robots can even carry the soldiers backpacks .It could clear a mine field for the troops so if the robot does blow up it is better than a person blowing up isn’t it !



From Jaap

Challenge Help

To answer the questions to the challenge, log in and click here. Glen 🙂


Hi Team. Watch this video – and use the comments to make suggestions what you think these robots might be used for. There will be an advertisement before the video starts – just ignore it!
I am looking for original and well thought out answers – not just silly guesses!

Remember to have your name on the bottom – you’ll need to log in by clicking here before you can comment from home.

What do you think the Robots in the video are used for?

What would you use the Robot for if you got one for Christmas?

Extra Challenge: Design a Robot labelling the different parts and functions.


New Posts

Hi guys, good work today. Remember if you’re working on the blog at home to use the ‘Add New Post’ button. Don’t add new Pages – because we’re only going to have one Page per person!

Click Add New under Posts NOT under Pages.

Click Add New under Posts NOT under Pages.

Remember when you leave a post or a comment to put your name at the bottom.

I look forward to reading your pages, and any Posts you leave related to your learning through the term.


What are we going to be called?

Our Treaty

We brainstormed rules and guidelines to keep us safe online – here’s a copy of the brainstorm:

Blogging Rules

Welcome Mount ICT Kids!

This blog is for you to share your learning with the world!